Remember this face.

Remember this face, because I speak for all who feel silenced. For those who deeply long to live in the feminine, but have been judged as “too soft”, “too sensitive”, or vulnerable with their emotions. I speak for those who have been controlled by a system that worships the accolades + accomplishments as the only sense of worth in the world.

I speak for those who long to break free from the pressures of “doing” and desire freedom of expression through creative forces to play.

Remember this face because the pain you harbor is ready to be released, and I am here to wash away your wounds, to show you there is another way. The stories you’ve been told of the masculine way have controlled our psyches for too long - we feel lost, disconnected, and imprisoned because we long for a deeper connection beyond the masculine desires of “completion”.

If we’ve never truly arrived, then why is arrival such a cherished prize in our society? What if the root of all of humanity’s suffering lies in the suffocation of softness, creative expression, deep conversations, and intimacy with the world around us, just as it is? Without the pressure to perform? To let the performance be a manifestation of true presence + movement in the moment, without trying to change or perfect its form?

Remember this face, my words, because if you’re still reading, I speak for you, to be the harbinger of hope that follows the cleansing + destruction of forces that have controlled you for far too long. Your feelings are valid, have a deeper purpose beyond the thoughts…don’t discount your emotions.

This world has hardened us for too long in believing the lies that we have to do more, to be more, where perfection is infused in every cell of our soul as a creation of divine source.

The masculine needs more, while the feminine is one with all that is. And while it is human desire to strive for more, to see things through, the time has come to let that breathe, to allow the feminine force within us to flow.

To be set free.

To be you.

To be me.

Remember this face.
